Simplify 3d break apart models
Simplify 3d break apart models

simplify 3d break apart models

It isn't hard to have the texture applied to the pieces so that the pieces keep their texture. Also, meshes are hollow, so when you break them, you have to also weld the pieces so they look like solid chunks. Two things to consider are models broken into vertice triangles will slow down Unity if there's too many of them.

simplify 3d break apart models

It is quite easy breaking a mesh apart into shards, chunks or any shape you want really. It is possible to break apart things in Unity during runtime, without having to break apart objects in a 3D editor or ProBuilder and then switching objects during runtime. Just commenting because the advice here is lacking and pushes using 3rd-party 3D software to make "pre-broken" versions of models.

Simplify 3d break apart models